A key component of a child’s growth and development is their nutrition. A child’s early years are critical because they establish essential needs for their long-term health. During this time, immune system performance, physical, and cognitive development, and other general well-being are all greatly impacted by nutrition.

It can be difficult to raise health-conscious eaters, especially when kids start making food-related statements of their own. It would be very difficult if they start to eat on their own and they need to eat a range of food groups to meet their needs for vitamins and minerals.

Otherwise, it would be critical to establish healthy eating habits for child to promote optimal development and growth, strengthen their immune systems, and lower their chance of developing chronic illnesses in later life. 

Consuming foods high in protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats are all crucial for overall growth. However, age, gender, and degree of activity will all affect the amount of food and type of food required for the particular individual.

Why is food important for children?

Food is important to a child for various reasons, it holds great significance.

Growth and development 

The growth and development of children never stops. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and minerals are among the vital nutrients that come from a healthy diet that are required for brain development, physical growth, and general health.


Children are often active, they need energy to play, engage in activities, and maintain their cognitive abilities. Their main energy source is nutrient-rich food, which keeps them alert and active.

Immune function

Children’s immune systems are strengthened by a well-balanced diet, which aids in their defence against infections and illnesses. Important nutrients that are necessary for a strong immune response include zinc, and vitamins A, C, and D.

Cognitive function

A healthy diet has a beneficial effect on cognitive function and brain development. Foods high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and oil seeds enhance brain health and improve children’s cognitive abilities.

Developing healthy eating habits

Developing life long healthy eating habits mostly depends on the experiences of childhood. Early exposure to a range of nutrient-dense foods fosters a preference for healthy foods in kids and lays an environment for future healthy eating behaviours.

Preventing health problems

A well-balanced diet lays a solid foundation for a healthier adulthood by reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and nutritional deficiencies. Click here to read more about childhood obesity 

Mental health 

Eating a healthy diet is associated with mental health. Some nutrients, like antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, have been linked to better mood and a lower chance of mental health issues in children.

In general, food is the source of energy that drives a child’s development, growth, and well-being. Making sure they eat a sufficient amount of food is crucial for their current health as well as to ensure a healthier future for them.

What are the ways to improve child nutrition?

It is important to enhance nutrition for children to ensure general health, growth and development. Here are a few practical methods to improve it:

  • A well-balanced diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (like fish, poultry, and beans), and healthy fats in moderation for children. Promote eating a range of foods to get all the nutrients they need.

  • Limit intake of processed foods because processed foods are low in nutritional value and are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt.

  • Provide frequent meals to sustain energy levels and avoid excessive hunger which leads to unhealthy food choices, and promote regular eating habits with scheduled meals and snacks.

  • Educating the kids about nutritious food and healthy eating habits is very important. It helps them to choose food wisely. Educate them by providing programs, workshops, and accessible educational materials. Also, you can teach them in a practical way by explaining why you have chosen the food and the benefits of nutrition while having a family dinner or day out.

  • Always choose nutritious foods. Also make sure to support other parents, who are particularly in underprivileged areas, they can also prefer affordable nutritious food options. Educate them about food options available by lending their support from regional efforts and programmes. A kitchen garden is the other best option to save money, to have nutritious food and also helps explain significance of healthy food through gardening.

  • Use the available government policy or resources. Which encourages eating well in classrooms, controls the marketing of food to minors, and provides financial assistance for wholesome meals to low-income families as mentioned in the above points.
  • Physical activity is important to health apart from healthy eating. As part of a healthy lifestyle encouraging doing physical activity regularly supports both a balanced metabolism and general well-being.

  • Children are always influenced by their parents. Setting a good example by eating healthily at home and in the community helps your child to follow the same as the result of role modelling.

  • Regular health check-ups: Make an appointment for routine medical examinations with medical specialists to keep an eye on development, nutritional status, and early detection of any deficiencies or health issues of your children. This helps your children prevent disease, deficiency and other medical conditions.

  • Seek advice from a healthcare provider before feeding supplements to your child if they have any particular nutritional deficiencies.

  • To maintain healthy body functions and avoid dehydration, encourage your child to drink enough water throughout the day. 

By combining these techniques, one can improve childhood nutrition more holistically and assist children in promoting lifelong healthy eating habits.


In conclusion, food plays a critical role in a child’s growth and development. It promotes their overall health by boosting the immune system. 

It is crucial that as parents, guardians, educators, and healthcare professionals, we are supposed to help children develop healthy eating habits. By developing healthy eating habits, we help promote their growth and development which helps to prevent health conditions in their future.

We have to encourage children to have healthy eating practices by highlighting the importance of nutrient-dense food, creating a positive eating environment, and prioritising balanced meals. Let us encourage children to have a healthy diet, for a healthier future.

Varsha M, 
Senior Clinical Dietitian, Simplyweight