

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

We usually associate eating with the taste of delicious food. In reality, the pleasure we achieve from a meal comes from all the senses that enhance our enjoyment through multiple factors. These factors are, the way the food looks, its texture, the sound it makes when we eat it or even the environment in which […]

We usually associate eating with the taste of delicious food. In reality, the pleasure we achieve from a meal comes from all the senses that enhance our enjoyment through multiple factors. These

As the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, we are sadly seeing an increase in childhood obesity. More parents are now seeking help for their obese children. The prevalence of obesity-related complications

We are all constantly looking out for newer diets and food supplements to lose weight. There is at least one new diet on the market every week. “Diets” is one of the

The pursuit of true and lasting friendships can be very challenging. A large number of species have the tendency to form social groups and establish themselves favourably. Similarly, we humans seek the

What do we mean by breakfast? The term breakfast in English literally refers to the breaking of the fasting period of the previous night. In nutritional terms, breakfast is the first meal

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