

Master the art of portion control and understand your hunger.

Poor fruit consumption is a major dietary cause of cardiometabolic illnesses worldwide.  Significant observational data demonstrates the beneficial effects of increasing fruit and vegetable intake on risk factors like blood pressure and lipids/lipoproteins as well as the association between increased fruit consumption and a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. […]

Poor fruit consumption is a major dietary cause of cardiometabolic illnesses worldwide.  Significant observational data demonstrates the beneficial effects of increasing fruit and vegetable intake on risk factors like blood pressure and

It is the spookiest time of the year with many of us celebrating Halloween around the world. We may choose to get dressed up in scary costumes or use the opportunity to

“Losing weight is a constant battle”. This is what most of my patients say. Despite all the diets, medications and strictly following the advice by experts, weight loss is elusive. People do

Orthorexia Nervosa – how different is it from healthy eating? We have been observing more and more focus on health and healthy eating over recent years. Many ‘health-promoting’ diets have been increasing

Could it be that having such easy access to food and being seemingly well-nourished, we may, in fact, be at risk of malnutrition? Let’s discuss the problem of hidden hunger.   Malnutrition

We all know that to lose weight you have to “eat less and exercise more”. This has been constantly drummed to us. However, the prevalence of obesity in the western world more

We are all constantly looking out for newer diets and food supplements to lose weight. There is at least one new diet on the market every week. “Diets” is one of the

What do we mean by breakfast? The term breakfast in English literally refers to the breaking of the fasting period of the previous night. In nutritional terms, breakfast is the first meal

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