

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

A serious eye disease called diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness and visual loss in diabetics. It is brought on by elevated blood sugar levels harming the retina’s blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy can worsen even if a diabetic manages their blood sugar levels. This is as a result of the blood vessels’ prior injury. The […]

A serious eye disease called diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness and visual loss in diabetics. It is brought on by elevated blood sugar levels harming the retina’s blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy

Introduction Obesity and hypothyroidism are two common clinical conditions that are strongly correlated. The link has become more significant as obesity rates around the world have increased at an unprecedented rate. Patients

The liver is located at the upper right side of the abdomen. It is the largest internal organ of the human body. The main function of the liver is to remove toxins

The author describes a fun and easy way to eat a balanced diet called the rainbow plate. Each colour on the plate represents a group of fruits and vegetables with different vitamins

The author describes cycle syncing, a method for women to align activities, food, and exercise with hormonal changes throughout their menstrual cycle. This approach is supposed to improve energy, mood, and sleep.

Glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide in agriculture for weed control, serves as the primary component in numerous herbicide products. Within the food sector, glyphosate is occasionally utilised as a desiccant for drying

The gut bacteria (microbiome) impacts our health. Probiotics and prebiotics work together to keep them balanced. Probiotics are live good bacteria found in fermented foods, while prebiotics are the food for these

A new diet or trend appears every day in the realm of nutrition and weight control, which is a field that is always changing. Even though several diets could provide short-term benefits,

Lower GI (Glycaemic Index)/GL (Glycaemic Load) is linked to better blood sugar management, weight control, and heart health. Cooking time, processing (refining grains removes fibre), and ripeness (overripe fruits have more sugar)

A major health issue on a global scale is obesity. According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), obesity is characterised as an abnormal or excessive fat buildup that poses health problems. Obesity

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